Board Member
Ruth McWhite lives in Travelers Rest, SC, but she has a heart for the world. She and her husband, Allen, served two terms with the IMB in Ecuador. Sickness brought them home, but God has continued to allow them to serve Him with a vision for what He is doing worldwide. In between their terms in Ecuador, they pastored three churches in SC. Currently, Allen is the Director of Global Missions at North Greenville University, and Ruth works just down the hall as Director of Women's Ministries. Her primary work is to disciple and mentor female students. She and Allen also take care of the MKs and International students on campus.
She also enjoys the opportunity to speak at retreats and conferences for ladies. Her passion is to see women come to a relationship with Christ and then learn the process of growing in that relationship through His Word.
Ruth is the mother of five children. Three of those children have married wonderful spouses who love the Lord. Eight grandchildren are the result of those marriages and provide her GREAT enjoyment! ! She has one daughter just graduating from college and her last daughter is still in high school.
The verses that best sum up her calling are found in Numbers ll:16-17. In this passage, Moses has been shown how to carry on the work God has given him to do. It is the picture of overflow. God takes from His Spirit that He has already placed within Moses, and He pours that over onto seventy others who will help carry the load. Ruth has learned that God does His best work when she has first sat at His feet, and then she allows what He has taught her to spill over onto the lives of those around her.